Olive Witch: the train through Jersey
Olive Witch: Josh on the beach
Olive Witch: the sea and sky reflected in Josh's sunglasses
Olive Witch: with Josh on the beach
Olive Witch: the view from lunch
Olive Witch: lovely old round building
Olive Witch: half dome window and copper detailing
Olive Witch: mural of the feather girl
Olive Witch: tiger mural
Olive Witch: yello sub mural
Olive Witch: mermaid mural
Olive Witch: kids playing in the tunnel
Olive Witch: Josh getting sand off his feet
Olive Witch: sunset over Asbury Park
Olive Witch: clouds over this old industrial building
Olive Witch: super fun children's water park
Olive Witch: boardwalk and shops
Olive Witch: boat atop a boardwalk building