Olive Witch: Josh making yummy veggie Josh McMuffins for breakfast
Olive Witch: out on the pontoon!
Olive Witch: selfie with Kristina
Olive Witch: Josh and his panda hat
Olive Witch: Josh getting pulled along on the airhead
Olive Witch: Eli trying to lose Josh on the airhead
Olive Witch: Jake at the wheel
Olive Witch: Kristina and Jake double up on the airhead
Olive Witch: Kristina and Jake on the airhead
Olive Witch: Josh, Terri and the sky
Olive Witch: Jeremiah relaxing on the pontoon
Olive Witch: Josh taking photos
Olive Witch: Kristina making bloody marys
Olive Witch: look at this beauty of a bloody mary
Olive Witch: Eli with a bloody mary
Olive Witch: a rousing game of Codenames!
Olive Witch: every night is game night! (Codenames)
Olive Witch: Josh, Kristina, Jeremiah, and Jake
Olive Witch: Janine, Terri, Eli, and me
Olive Witch: Josh and Kristina selfie
Olive Witch: Josh gives Janine a birthday towel present
Olive Witch: Terri and Eli tubing down a river
Olive Witch: Jake and Kristina tubing
Olive Witch: Josh and me tubing
Olive Witch: more Codenames (now with gendered teams): Jake, Eli, Jeremiah, and Josh
Olive Witch: clouds above the lake
Olive Witch: Josh on the pontoon
Olive Witch: trees half submerged
Olive Witch: Jake pulling Eli along
Olive Witch: Jake pulling Eli (photo by Josh)