Olive Witch: the first band member shows up to the Penguin March
Olive Witch: nyc_jun15_penguin_11
Olive Witch: Olek, Kebra, Kanya, Josh, Jamie
Olive Witch: newly weds Dave and Mim!
Olive Witch: Andrea and Harris
Olive Witch: two band members strong
Olive Witch: Dave, Mim, Jamie
Olive Witch: ching ching
Olive Witch: Andrea and Kebra (photo by Harris)
Olive Witch: musicians
Olive Witch: Jon and Dave
Olive Witch: nyc_jun15_penguin_53
Olive Witch: Scott with some lady penguins
Olive Witch: served by Olek
Olive Witch: with Olek
Olive Witch: with Josh
Olive Witch: with Josh hamming
Olive Witch: nyc_jun15_penguin_67
Olive Witch: nyc_jun15_penguin_70
Olive Witch: musicians
Olive Witch: the party band
Olive Witch: more party band members arrive!
Olive Witch: percussion ahoy
Olive Witch: rocking out
Olive Witch: nyc_jun15_penguin_87