Olive Witch: Andrea with lemonade, a ginger shot, and jam sandwiches (don't ask)
Olive Witch: One is born, one dies; the land
Olive Witch: Sheba's giant hand on a gianter hand
Olive Witch: "Both sexes are horned."
Olive Witch: posing with a giant gem stone
Olive Witch: best meeting notes ever (at the Natural History Museum)
Olive Witch: kid gets a ride under the giant canoe
Olive Witch: Doesn't sound safe, but it's only the butterfly room
Olive Witch: brown peacock butterfly (I'm making up these names)
Olive Witch: fern and butterflies
Olive Witch: orange fan butterfly (I'm making up these names)
Olive Witch: mustard butterfly on pink flowers
Olive Witch: leopard spot butterfly (I'm making up these names)
Olive Witch: green linen butterfly (I'm making up these names)
Olive Witch: Sheba and Andrea oohing and ahing
Olive Witch: child watching iridescent blue butterfly
Olive Witch: with Sheba and Andrea
Olive Witch: super cool lantern thing
Olive Witch: red wine and yellow light