Olive Witch: flying in over Abuja
Olive Witch: Abuja landscape
Olive Witch: more Abuja landscape
Olive Witch: Abuja Airport
Olive Witch: workers and traffic and sky
Olive Witch: workers gathering sand
Olive Witch: woman walking with basket of sand
Olive Witch: girl and baby walking in a stream
Olive Witch: hills and electric lines
Olive Witch: man with his car
Olive Witch: tent structure by the stadium
Olive Witch: crates of Mirinda
Olive Witch: a little fabric shopping
Olive Witch: (private) jet plane
Olive Witch: geting ready for the awards ceremony
Olive Witch: at the 2012 National Honours Award Ceremony
Olive Witch: a smiling usher
Olive Witch: awesome headdress in blue
Olive Witch: awesome headdress in copper
Olive Witch: blue and scarlet bling
Olive Witch: man in yellow lace and velvet hat and bead necklace
Olive Witch: tribal chief and his companions
Olive Witch: tribal chief not so pleased (but I had to take his photo!)
Olive Witch: President Goodluck Jonathan speaking
Olive Witch: Northern chiefs
Olive Witch: the 6 Nigerian Paralympians who won gold in the 2012 London Olympics
Olive Witch: awesome head gear in green and red
Olive Witch: some wrapper sets
Olive Witch: a little contrast
Olive Witch: President Goodluck Jonathan himself