OliverSlay: on our way up the road out back
OliverSlay: Win Hill from the path out back
OliverSlay: K in front of Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: another view back from the path
OliverSlay: Froggatt Edge from the path out back
OliverSlay: East Peaks from the Clough
OliverSlay: Stanadge Edge from the path out back
OliverSlay: and a close-up of Stanadge Edge
OliverSlay: more East Peaks...
OliverSlay: k on the edge at Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: Bamford from Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: Bamford Edge and Win Hill
OliverSlay: rock outcrops on Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: k on the path amongst the heather
OliverSlay: k over the edge...
OliverSlay: it's Baaaamford Edge
OliverSlay: moor k....
OliverSlay: oli on the rocks
OliverSlay: i can fly...
OliverSlay: Bamford again from above
OliverSlay: a peak of the Dark Peaks over Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: Bamford Edge
OliverSlay: Stanadge Edge way off behind us...
OliverSlay: Bamford Edge and the Derbyshire Dales
OliverSlay: Bamford Edge again...
OliverSlay: Bamford...
OliverSlay: k creeping to the edge
OliverSlay: on top of the world
OliverSlay: still on top of the world
OliverSlay: best seat in the house