Oliver_Godby: Eidolon in Dreadlocks
Oliver_Godby: All the fun of the Fair...
Oliver_Godby: Pass the infidel brains, please...
Oliver_Godby: What do you mean, reverse the polarity?
Oliver_Godby: A HANDBAG!
Oliver_Godby: Fidelian Shock Staring Troops
Oliver_Godby: A Dryad with an Axe... Is it me or is that a little ironic?
Oliver_Godby: So as you will see the bolt will pass right through his body...
Oliver_Godby: If you go down to the woods today...
Oliver_Godby: Lizzie tries leather... Mmmmmmm
Oliver_Godby: DA Man!
Oliver_Godby: See, Wemics smoking __is__ cool!
Oliver_Godby: They've got man brains..?
Oliver_Godby: Nice parasol...
Oliver_Godby: What do you want from me?
Oliver_Godby: Freaky eyes...
Oliver_Godby: Chim, chimminy... Er no... Wrong meeting...
Oliver_Godby: Look at my gun!
Oliver_Godby: Eat this!
Oliver_Godby: Hey Pimp Daddy!
Oliver_Godby: Garf spots an unguarded lasagne
Oliver_Godby: Maddy in the morning!
Oliver_Godby: Picton Calendar - September
Oliver_Godby: I'm a walkin'
Oliver_Godby: Jim'll Fixit goes Maelstrom
Oliver_Godby: Nick is home with the downies...
Oliver_Godby: Raffle here!
Oliver_Godby: Oh I say, what on Earth is that?
Oliver_Godby: The artist at work...
Oliver_Godby: I'm blue do be do be de da...