Angela Richardson - Artist: The wise owls of OWLER
Angela Richardson - Artist: OWLER test print (detail)
Angela Richardson - Artist: OWLER test print
Angela Richardson - Artist: Tinted Tyvek for printing onto
Angela Richardson - Artist: Texture drawings and test prints
Angela Richardson - Artist: The parliament of OWLER owls
Angela Richardson - Artist: Printing on t-shirts
Angela Richardson - Artist: Hoo-hooooo-hellllo!
Angela Richardson - Artist: Briana paints a t-shirt
Angela Richardson - Artist: Learning to screenprint
Angela Richardson - Artist: Decorating an owl silhouette
Angela Richardson - Artist: Painting an owl on Tyvek
Angela Richardson - Artist: E prints an owl on her shirt
Angela Richardson - Artist: Lance gets OWL-ed!
Angela Richardson - Artist: Lance and passerby printing at the OWLER booth
Angela Richardson - Artist: Checking the set up
Angela Richardson - Artist: Texturizing one of the owls. Everyone took a turn.
Angela Richardson - Artist: Taking a print to hang up and dry on the line
Angela Richardson - Artist: Learning to silkscreen print
Angela Richardson - Artist: Whoooo-whoooooo-whooooo's hanging out at Neighborhood House?
Angela Richardson - Artist: Cutting flag shapes