olja.merker: К 66-ой годовщине освобождения Воронежа
olja.merker: A song without words for a picture drawn without a brush and paints
olja.merker: Going nowhere
olja.merker: The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving
olja.merker: Remain to winter
olja.merker: Wind swing
olja.merker: Devote to goalkeeper Akinfeev and all Russian national football squad
olja.merker: I miss playing piano
olja.merker: The soul has illusions as the bird has wings: it is supported by them
olja.merker: The past. The present. The future
olja.merker: Christmas in Russia!
olja.merker: Moscow 2042
olja.merker: ♫ Happy me Summer me Winter me
olja.merker: often a bird
olja.merker: 1.2.3. moscow
olja.merker: 1.2.3. krakow
olja.merker: I see the dust cloud disappear
olja.merker: was it a dream?
olja.merker: СПАСИБО
olja.merker: Miles Away
olja.merker: Don't wait too long