Andre Flor: Spider's deck
Andre Flor: Familiy
Andre Flor: Man and dog
Andre Flor: Ending
Andre Flor: Sunset
Andre Flor: Mampituba River
Andre Flor: IMG_3197
Andre Flor: Wildlife
Andre Flor: lighting the sky
Andre Flor: Dew drops
Andre Flor: Stone and ocean
Andre Flor: Preparing a meat for barbecue
Andre Flor: Bird waiting for the fish
Andre Flor: Rock, sea, wave and more
Andre Flor: Sunset
Andre Flor: Sunset, woman and mate
Andre Flor: Nature
Andre Flor: Mosca
Andre Flor: Young boy on deck
Andre Flor: IMG_2837-01
Andre Flor: IMG_2833-02
Andre Flor: IMG_2825-01
Andre Flor: Christma's time on Brazil
Andre Flor: Christma's time on Brazil
Andre Flor: Man and beer
Andre Flor: Chicken's barbecue