Olga Oslina: Spreading some sunshine to you with a yellow lily..
Olga Oslina: You can't measure love with time, only with timeless moments...
Olga Oslina: The most unfortunate man on earth is not a man with no money, but a man with no dream... [Explored]
Olga Oslina: We are all angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. ~ Luciano de Crescenzo [Explored]
Olga Oslina: Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. ~ Carolyn Gold Heilbrun
Olga Oslina: Just to make you smile! [Explored]
Olga Oslina: Keep the light inside your heart…
Olga Oslina: Don't measure your life by how many breaths you take, measure it by how many times you get your breath taken away... [Explored]
Olga Oslina: Everywhere water is a thing of beauty gleaming in the dewdrop, singing in the summer rain. (John Ballantine Gough)
Olga Oslina: Pink tulips
Olga Oslina: Faith makes everything possible in life and love makes everything beautiful around...
Olga Oslina: I will make your day
Olga Oslina: Sun-kissed lily stamens
Olga Oslina: The Lily - an angel of the earth
Olga Oslina: This is to my friend Carl - a gifted photographer and just a gem of a man
Olga Oslina: A Snow-White Lily
Olga Oslina: The modest rose puts forth a thorn, The humble sheep a threat'ning horn, While the Lily white shall, in love delight, Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright. (William Blake)
Olga Oslina: Romantic dreams
Olga Oslina: “But Shakespeare also says, 'tis very silly to gild refinèd gold, or paint the lily'.” (Lord Byron)
Olga Oslina: A thing of beauty is a joy forever... (John Keats)
Olga Oslina: Two stars daydreaming...
Olga Oslina: Flowers can say very much without saying a single word...
Olga Oslina: Unfolding beauty
Olga Oslina: The 'Amen!' of Nature is always a flower. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Olga Oslina: If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. ~ Eleanora Duse [Explored]
Olga Oslina: "Twas thus the Saviour said, that we, even in the simplest flowers that blow, God's ever-watchful care might see." (David Macbeth Moir)
Olga Oslina: It is at the edge of a petal that love waits...
Olga Oslina: Petals and promises
Olga Oslina: Towards the sun
Olga Oslina: Summer splendour