TartanSamurai: Beards at play!
J. Cakes: After the Rain
Mark Griffith: The Wild Places
SlowPathsImages: Burma (Myanmar)
Sachie Kikuchi | sachiekikuchi.com: Serenity - Old town in Lyon
Bill from Boston: Wall mural in Vancouver's Chinatown.
chaussurerose: ciné17
Verde Valley School: New Year's Snow
Levan Kakabadze: Black Dog / Black Sea
The Skeeto Lounge: Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota
liilliil: Ceiling of Isaak Cathedral
.niCky.: sCre☆m!!
SARAΗ LEE: below the break
Kim Ledin: Ladder cat
Giancarlo Rado: un giorno lungo un anno
michi.p: above the clouds
Perpetually: Turn off the Light
PubActuelle: Quelle moustache porte Martin?
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Thunderstorms on the Brazilian Horizon
sisamora&es: August 2009 13
LeojSeivad: Glow.
Sam Turner: Vitamin A
joaop: Havana 2003
Travels of My GPs: Around Kibuye, Sep. 1944 (Photo Bouchonville?)
samirdiwan: The Dark Night