Yorkshire Girl: Fish supper.
Yorkshire Girl: Big catch!
Yorkshire Girl: Room for one more?
Yorkshire Girl: Skomer................video
Yorkshire Girl: Proud parent.
Yorkshire Girl: Double-trouble.........Kittiwake
Yorkshire Girl: A little top-up..........Kittiwakes
Yorkshire Girl: Kittiwake.....on the edge
Yorkshire Girl: Love nest.
Yorkshire Girl: Black-headed Gulls......mating
Yorkshire Girl: We are hungry..............
Yorkshire Girl: Home from a fishing trip..................
Yorkshire Girl: Common Tern...............
Yorkshire Girl: Juvenile........Common Tern
Yorkshire Girl: Iceland Gull.
Yorkshire Girl: Open wide!
Yorkshire Girl: Look up..........to me
Yorkshire Girl: Coming in to land
Yorkshire Girl: Hovering Gannet..................
Yorkshire Girl: Oystercatchers........not in formation!
Yorkshire Girl: Ready for love?
Yorkshire Girl: Dunlin......winter plumage
Yorkshire Girl: Dunlin......mussels for dinner.
Yorkshire Girl: Dunlin......
Yorkshire Girl: Dunlin......
Yorkshire Girl: Hop,skip & jump.
Yorkshire Girl: Sanderling......winter plumage
Yorkshire Girl: Sanderling......
Yorkshire Girl: Reflection