old_skool_paul: Barry Daly - Fast Ollie over the mound at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Ollie K - Noselide on the Rail at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Ollie K - Crook Grind on the Rail at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Ollie K - Crook Grind on the Rail at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Ollie K - lofty ollie out of the bank at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Ollie K - lofty ollie out of the bank at Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: Bmxers - Ross and Ashley - sat in the Sainsburys Hammock
old_skool_paul: Sat with the Mountain Board
old_skool_paul: Oli Green throws mountain board in the air
old_skool_paul: MAY 2010 - perfect blue sky over Wycombe Skatepark
old_skool_paul: MAY 2010 - perfect blue sky over Wycombe Skatepark