oldmischief: moms eye
oldmischief: bananas are hella gross
oldmischief: spiral bound notebook
oldmischief: bubble
oldmischief: shadowed water bottle
oldmischief: water bottle
oldmischief: water bottle in gold
oldmischief: i dont get it
oldmischief: at the airport
oldmischief: bored on the plain
oldmischief: pretty sun set
oldmischief: wing and sun set
oldmischief: wing and clouds
oldmischief: sun reflection
oldmischief: buephoria, oh yeah
oldmischief: Heart neckless
oldmischief: Pig Cervix
oldmischief: ... im not sure what this is
oldmischief: pig uterus
oldmischief: inside of uterus
oldmischief: amniotic/ placenta sack with piglet inside
oldmischief: opened sack
oldmischief: eep again
oldmischief: ...eep
oldmischief: i never figured out how this worked
oldmischief: round and round it goes
oldmischief: i love these things
oldmischief: duck tape
oldmischief: sometimes Josh really scares me...