Willie C: 7-19-08 A Leafy, Stoney Sky With A White Shoe
Willie C: 7-19-08 Noonday Eclipse With Leaves And Rocks
Willie C: 7-18-08 The View In A Cloudy Mirror
Willie C: 7-19-08 Composition In Green, Blue, Water and Light
Willie C: 7-19-08 Composition In Green, Blue, Water And Shade
Willie C: 7-19-08 Weird Light And Shadows
Willie C: 7-21-08 Proud Mama Swims Among The Trees
Willie C: 7-22-08 Chowhound Koidad
Willie C: 7-26-08, Finny Frolic In Sky Puddles 011
Willie C: 7-26-08, Finny Frolic In Sky Puddles 002
Willie C: 7-26-08, Finny Frolic In Sky Puddles 003
Willie C: 7-26-08, Finny Frolic In Sky Puddles 016
Willie C: 8-07-08 Waterfall And Below
Willie C: 8-07-08 Bottom Rocks 01
Willie C: 8-07-08 Flecks
Willie C: 8-07-08 Smileyfish Beneath Umbellata
Willie C: 6-22-09 Tadpole
Willie C: 5-25-08 Playful Pile Of Last Year's Little Leopards
Willie C: 8-30-09 Hatching 001
Willie C: 8-30-09 Hatching 002, Attrition
Willie C: 4-28-12 David And Goliath
Willie C: 4-30-12 Goliath Sans David