Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots 1
Willie C: 6-03-08 Driftwood
Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots 2
Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots 3
Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots Lost In Time
Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots In Strange Light
Willie C: 6-03-08 Old Roots 2a
Willie C: 6-08-08 Roots For The Rancher Lady
Willie C: 6-08-08 Roots For The Rancher Lady 02
Willie C: Stars Of Texas Rooted In Ancient Seabed
Willie C: My Texas Roots
Willie C: My Texas Roots 02
Willie C: My Texas Roots 02O
Willie C: 6-14-08 Bones Of Old Cedar
Willie C: Wheel Of Old Flotsam
Willie C: 6-14-08 Weary And Dying Demon Creeps From Its Lair, Bearing The Stones Cast By Unsympathetic Humanity
Willie C: 6-19-08 Old Roots And Old Wood, With No Sunworshipers In Sight