Willie C: 5-27-08 Texas Wallaby On The Way To The Flints
Willie C: Approaching The Ancient Seabed
Willie C: 5-27-08 Missing Links Two
Willie C: 5-27-08 Another Fractured Flint
Willie C: 5-27-08 Rockworm Colony?
Willie C: 5-27-08 Ancient Water Pipe
Willie C: 5-27-08 Layering
Willie C: 6-08-08 Resourceful Management
Willie C: 6-08-08 Circles In Stone
Willie C: 6-08-08 014g
Willie C: 6-08-08 Drowned Trees, Water, Earth, and Sky
Willie C: 6-08-08 Veneer?
Willie C: 6-08-08 Roots For The Rancher Lady
Willie C: 6-08-08 Roots For The Rancher Lady 02
Willie C: 6-08-08 Some People And Animals On A Rocky Lake Shore