Willie C: Casa Grande waits for the dawn
Willie C: Casa Grande sees the light
Willie C: Can you ever see a mountain?
Willie C: Casa Grande as evening falls
Willie C: Chisos Basin Campground 5-06
Willie C: On the trail to the Window
Willie C: Skeletal guardian of Window Trail
Willie C: Willie in the Window
Willie C: Do I want to go there?
Willie C: Back at camp from Window Trail
Willie C: Casa Grande on a soggy day in May
Willie C: Casa Grande, morning after
Willie C: Basin view to the northwest
Willie C: Constantly Changing Chisos
Willie C: The Window calls again
Willie C: Big Bend, May, 2007
Willie C: Big Bend, May, 2007, Lost Mine Trail
Willie C: The Window from a high point of Lost Mine Trail
Willie C: 4-08 Big Bend Bokay