mshnaya ☺:
Piglet scratching back -- 20240110_125258_2_1
mshnaya ☺:
道光 龍年三羊開泰 Screenshot_2024-02-10-11-08-22-178
mshnaya ☺:
Dragon Textile — 20231226_134119~2
mshnaya ☺:
Dragon 20231226_135628
mshnaya ☺:
3 rams bringing good luck ... 20240201_163346_1
mshnaya ☺:
mshnaya ☺:
Sandhill crane 20240808_161508
mshnaya ☺:
warm pizza DSC00027
mshnaya ☺:
Florida ibis
mshnaya ☺:
Florida Gulfcoast Ibis feeding
mshnaya ☺:
Florida ibis rippled reflection
mshnaya ☺:
Florida Gulfcoast ibis - L1160195
mshnaya ☺:
mshnaya ☺:
Piglet trying to squeeze between cows
mshnaya ☺:
Florida wood stork and ibis
mshnaya ☺:
Cute Fawn 2 sec video 20240611_184605
mshnaya ☺:
Gator by the pier !!
mshnaya ☺:
Waiting gator 20240526_084532_1
mshnaya ☺:
Old Boy on the sunset beach