enza bianchimani:
Do you remember Janis Joplin ?
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alienazione /alienation
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Se non ricordi tutto la vita è più leggera/if you do not remember all the life is lighter
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follia lucida/lucid madness
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Di fretta /quickly
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un pò di narcisismo ogni tanto...fa bene alla pelle!!!sometimes a bit of narcissism ..... good for the skin!
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nel profondo..... / in the deep......
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razione di sopravvivenza /ration of survival
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Bella non c'è più..la casa è vuota! / Bella there is no more ....the home is empty
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spiraglio / glimmer
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forse... c'è una via d'uscita !
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dinamica dei fluidi
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concentric thoughts
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Quizas Quizas Quizas
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l'alba / the sunrise
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mai più così / never more so
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temporale estivo / summer lightning
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tutto è in ordine / everything is in order
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golden Autumn
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but...Rock is Dead?
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the train of dreams
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La Fiat di Termini Imerese è chiusa...another factory is dead
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e così il tempo passa /and so the time passes
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mercoledì - calma piatta
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verso sera / the evening
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inverno / winter