enza bianchimani:
The dead and the living - a summer in Maramures
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Sapanta-all'uscita della messa / Sapanta - exit of the Mass
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Mrs. paprika- market in Baia Mare
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all'improvviso ..la nebbia!! / suddenly.. the fog !!
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fantasmi ingombranti/ bulky ghosts
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Centrul Artistic Baia Mare
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walking in Suceava
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attenzione, le case ci guardano! Pay attention, the houses look at us !
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evening or Dracula's eyes?
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Romania's colours- on the road
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Pellegrini al monastero di Moldovita /pilgrims to the Moldovita's monastery.
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Bucovina- on the road
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il posto delle cicogne/ the place of storks
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la rivincita del cavallo/ the revenge of the horse
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Sunday morning in Baia Mare
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blue Moldovan
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in fondo al pozzo / bottom of the well
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le vie dell'energia/energy path
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De vanzare/ In vendita/Sale
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Un lato nascosto di Sighisoara/ A hidden side of Sighisoara
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Verso l'Ungheria
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greetings from the Count Vlad
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Chi arriverà prima? / Who comes first?
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Il Cimitero di Sapanta
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Il cimitero di Sapanta
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Texture of Maramures
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Texture of Maramures
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Maramures- A wonderful church
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pensierosa se ne va la conversa!!! thoughtfully leaves the nun