Pagfoto: PC061562Gulls on moonstone beach Cambria
Pagfoto: PC061518 Cambria moonstone beach
Pagfoto: PC061465 Central Calif coast sea gull
Pagfoto: PC061457 San Simeon historical school house
Pagfoto: San Simeon pier
Pagfoto: PC061443 red flower petals with tiny white blossoms
Pagfoto: PC066008 Pacific ocean, from ragged point
Pagfoto: PC061382 Peidra Blanca lighthouse
Pagfoto: PC065998 Sunset, Pacific ocean north of Cambrea
Pagfoto: PC051208 Shafts of light streaming through the clouds
Pagfoto: PC051153 Sunlight through the clouds
Pagfoto: PC051331 manipulated view of coastal sunset.
Pagfoto: PC066069 Old Fordson tractor