olaf.kellerhoff: SPARC - Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child
olaf.kellerhoff: UNICEF school with cooeducation
olaf.kellerhoff: Basic Hygiene: Water tab
olaf.kellerhoff: Nicely decorated tractor...
olaf.kellerhoff: Empty stomach, empty saucepan
olaf.kellerhoff: Waiting two to four hours for lunch
olaf.kellerhoff: Children lining up with plastic buckets for the lunch
olaf.kellerhoff: Basic Family pack
olaf.kellerhoff: Newcomer package
olaf.kellerhoff: Flour delivery and distribution
olaf.kellerhoff: Manual work: Storing flour
olaf.kellerhoff: Team work & Solidarity
olaf.kellerhoff: UNICEF provides basic facilities
olaf.kellerhoff: UNICEF provides basic facilities
olaf.kellerhoff: Trash caught by rare plants
olaf.kellerhoff: Attempt of privacy in public sphere
olaf.kellerhoff: Refugees are business
olaf.kellerhoff: Big empty pots
olaf.kellerhoff: Hot cooking on wood fire
olaf.kellerhoff: Empty pots refilled
olaf.kellerhoff: hard graft - sharply watched by IDPs lining up
olaf.kellerhoff: The cook and the hungry
olaf.kellerhoff: Peeling potatoes for 12.000 persons
olaf.kellerhoff: Potatoes peeling & meet in plastic
olaf.kellerhoff: Peeled potatoes and plastic bags of meat
olaf.kellerhoff: Lost everything in Swat except for his life
olaf.kellerhoff: When can we go back?
olaf.kellerhoff: Vitamins for well-off refugees
olaf.kellerhoff: Bamboo huts for children
olaf.kellerhoff: Washing body and clothes, then drinking water