okun: Josh, Owen and the Puerto Rican Grandmother we met on the plane from Houston to Atlanta
okun: Hazel, Gabriel & Timothy look down at the indoor waterpark
okun: Gabriel
okun: Hazel, Gabriel and a whole lotta Polly Pocket
okun: Alice & Timothy
okun: Gabriel
okun: Hazel drinking dessert through a straw
okun: Dirk, Sarah & Owen
okun: Hazel & Gabriel
okun: Hazel & Gabriel give a share love
okun: View of Shenandoah National Forest from Massanutten resort golf course
okun: Owen walks with a little assistance from momma
okun: Hazel operates a video camera
okun: Gabriel & Timothy
okun: Timothy
okun: Timothy
okun: Timothy in front of the fireplace
okun: Bailey - 1983
okun: Todd & Bailey
okun: Sad Owen, Alice, Timothy
okun: Demera & Chris
okun: Gabriel
okun: Timothy & Gabriel
okun: Bad Breath
okun: Chris
okun: Chris
okun: Blake