Oktopus: Near Vyborg/Viipuri
Oktopus: Near Vyborg/Viipuri
Oktopus: St. Petersburg subway escalator
Oktopus: St. Petersburg subway
Oktopus: St. Petersburg subway
Oktopus: Kati + Mikko and a lot of marble
Oktopus: Mikko + Laura
Oktopus: Liisa making a point
Oktopus: Fetching breakfast
Oktopus: Saturday morning
Oktopus: Saturday morning
Oktopus: Hermitage + Lada
Oktopus: Liisa + Laura
Oktopus: Mikko + Kati
Oktopus: Heading towards the door
Oktopus: Not too humble a building
Oktopus: Inside Hermitage in some staircase
Oktopus: Someone who had invaded Turkey. Maybe.
Oktopus: Lots of cables
Oktopus: Moika
Oktopus: Saturday afternoon
Oktopus: On the way from Idiot back to the hostel
Oktopus: Moscow rail station
Oktopus: Pushkinskaya 10 Art Center
Oktopus: Temple of John Lennon
Oktopus: Underground bookshop
Oktopus: Museum and a chapel
Oktopus: Tourists
Oktopus: Tram, one of the very few we saw
Oktopus: Local cyclists