Oksancia: 37 - Underwater Adventure - Rondy the Elephant Painting
Oksancia: 36 - Hiding Place - Rondy the Elephant Sitting In a Tree
Oksancia: Tea and Cookie - Print
Oksancia: How I Use Evernote For My Creative Business on Etsy
Oksancia: 35 - Pianist - Rondy the Elephant playing the piano
Oksancia: 34 - Catching Stars - Rondy the Elephant collecting bright stars
Oksancia: 33 - Bubbles - Rondy loves bubble gum
Oksancia: 32 - Kite Flying - Rondy the Elephant in the sky
Oksancia: 31 - Elephant Out Of A Fly - Rondy the Elephant can fly
Oksancia: 30 - Home - Rondy the Elephant sleeping in his little house
Oksancia: 29 - Hug - Rondy the Elphant and his Mom
Oksancia: 28 - Drummer - Rondy the Elephant using his belly like a drum
Oksancia: 27 - Bath Time - Rondy the Elephant taking a bubble bath
Oksancia: 26 - Be Cool! - Rondy is relaxing
Oksancia: 25 - musician - Rondy making music with his trunk
Oksancia: 24 - Elephant in a porcelain shop - Clumsy Rondy the Elephant
Oksancia: 23 - Painter - Rondy the Elephant painting a heart
Oksancia: 22 - Playing Guitar - Rondy the Elephant musician
Oksancia: 21 - Sleeep Tight - Rondy the Elephant asleep
Oksancia: 20 - Me And My Heart - Rondy the Elephant In Love
Oksancia: 19 - Spring Bouquet - Rondy the Elephant holding beautiful flowers
Oksancia: 18 - Let Them Smile But Don't Stop! - Adventure of changing the light bulb
Oksancia: 17 - Car Trip - Rondy the Elephant driving his car
Oksancia: 16 - Football Player - Rondy the Elephant playing soccer
Oksancia: 15 - Baking - Rondy the Elephant making a delicious cake
Oksancia: 14 - Slippery - Rondy the Elephant on ice
Oksancia: 13 - Ice Skating - Rondy the Elephant dancing on ice
Oksancia: 12 - Music Lover - Rondy the Elephant listening to music on the roof
Oksancia: 11 - Photographer - Rondy the Elephant with photo camera
Oksancia: 10 - Look - curious Rondy the Elephant