Hopeisland: Could be the best spot for a mansion :)... on a cloudy day
Hopeisland: Could be the best spot for a mansion :)... on a cloudy day
Hopeisland: Dunedine Railway Station, New Zealand
Hopeisland: Dunedine Railway Station, New Zealand
Hopeisland: Dunedin Town Hall in New Zealand
Hopeisland: Dunedin Town Hall in New Zealand
Hopeisland: Dunedin Town Hall in New Zealand
Hopeisland: Red Hot Pokers / Kniphofias
Hopeisland: At the beach of Dunedin, New Zealand
Hopeisland: Orchid
Hopeisland: Walking alone at the beach
Hopeisland: St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral and Dunedin Town Hall