Hildy Maze: East Hampton Star Interview 1:2019
Hildy Maze: beyond the safety of the false 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: self-created borders 48 x 50
Hildy Maze: without remedies or shelters 48 x 53
Hildy Maze: empty-handed I came and will go 48 x 52
Hildy Maze: confined by beliefs 48 x 49
Hildy Maze: seems inescapable 40 x 44
Hildy Maze: losing the action in the view x 48
Hildy Maze: thirst to know 46 x 48
Hildy Maze: reflections on the border 48 x 53
Hildy Maze: self-secret within appearance 45 x 46
Hildy Maze: coming and going 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: still separated 27 x 44 X
Hildy Maze: ironic mockeries 36 x 48.jpg
Hildy Maze: undercurrent 46 x 49
Hildy Maze: 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: insulted by the everyday 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: innocent eye beneath 30 x 44
Hildy Maze: beside myself 36 x 48 oil paper collage 2018
Hildy Maze: *earth moves into the body 36 x 46
Hildy Maze: pain of false structures of the conventional 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: moment of pause 24 x 24
Hildy Maze: like the moon in water 38 x 32
Hildy Maze: innocent unalterable presence 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: mutable restless patterns30 x 40
Hildy Maze: mutable restless patterns 40 x 60
Hildy Maze: beyond the edge 48 x 48
Hildy Maze: nothing is as it appears 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: cat 24 x 30
Hildy Maze: caged borders