Hildy Maze:
28x29 interrupting the continuity
Hildy Maze:
making space for unknowing
Hildy Maze:
conceptions are what get in the way
Hildy Maze:
voices of push pull
Hildy Maze:
if you don't mind it dosen't matter
Hildy Maze:
considering my own shadow
Hildy Maze:
24x30 3 roots - passion aggression ignorance JPG
Hildy Maze:
fragile fracture
Hildy Maze:
26x27 shifting fields of empty identities
Hildy Maze:
33x34 blue self
Hildy Maze:
35x40 turbulent veil of denial
Hildy Maze:
34x46 redness of capture
Hildy Maze:
beneath the turbulence
Hildy Maze:
begins with firing the bullet
Hildy Maze:
34x40 immediacy of the precious moment
Hildy Maze:
30x34 look look look and see.
Hildy Maze:
25x34 unsure footing
Hildy Maze:
scattering of ancient hang-ups
Hildy Maze:
velcro mind.
Hildy Maze:
23x33 returning to the same snare
Hildy Maze:
unfamiliar to the natural mind 32x33
Hildy Maze:
chain link reaction
Hildy Maze:
like the ocean looking at it's own waves
Hildy Maze:
solid in an invisible sort of way.
Hildy Maze:
10799378_722964591115620_1230624892_n - Version 2
Hildy Maze:
union 36x48
Hildy Maze:
27x30 edges of perplexity
Hildy Maze:
realizing the foolishness
Hildy Maze:
24x29 square peg in a round hole
Hildy Maze:
dissonant coil