Hildy Maze: IMG_1941.JPG 17x21 blue tear
Hildy Maze: IMG_1411.JPG 10x15 of the three times
Hildy Maze: what if the rose, thorn and all were to grow from your heart
Hildy Maze: IMG_1089.JPG 36x44 actual rain
Hildy Maze: IMG_0184.JPG 36x 48 conversations
Hildy Maze: IMG_2029.JPG 36x48 intimate moment
Hildy Maze: IMG_3051
Hildy Maze: IMG_0454.JPG 36 x 48 mother sister child
Hildy Maze: IMG_0685.JPG unrelenting 30 x 39
Hildy Maze: IMG_2322.JPG 18x19 penetration
Hildy Maze: IMG_2218.JPG 36x36 if you knew you'd be the last one to touch someone
Hildy Maze: IMG_0542.JPG cat or puma uncaged 36 x 48
Hildy Maze: IMG_2313.JPG 36x48 clear up
Hildy Maze: IMG_2256.JPG 39x34 character called pain
Hildy Maze: woman_48 x 34
Hildy Maze: IMG_2245.JPG 33x48
Hildy Maze: IMG_2164.JPG 36x48 put on pause
Hildy Maze: IMG_1828
Hildy Maze: thoughts dissolving like waves in the ocean 35x47
Hildy Maze: IMG_2103.JPG 33x44 she and her doll
Hildy Maze: IMG_2034.JPG 4x4 come close
Hildy Maze: IMG_2050.JPG 36x48 all the egos
Hildy Maze: IMG_1950.JPG 7x12 see
Hildy Maze: IMG_1775.JPG 23x34 exhausted denial
Hildy Maze: IMG_1506
Hildy Maze: IMG_1380
Hildy Maze: IMG_0195.JPG evanescent 36 x 58
Hildy Maze: IMG_0209.JPG relief of grieving 22 x 34
Hildy Maze: IMG_0203.JPG bell jar (detail ")
Hildy Maze: IMG_0531.JPG 31 x 48 sleeping tigress