ohsahara: explore 456
ohsahara: first explore
ohsahara: I want 2009 to be worth my time,
ohsahara: experimenting
ohsahara: tRiiipPpPp /
ohsahara: I'm easily intimidated.
ohsahara: Oh girl, shock me like an electric eel. Baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel.
ohsahara: breathe me.
ohsahara: sleepless in september
ohsahara: A picture's worth a thousand words.
ohsahara: what do you do, when people you know become people you knew?
ohsahara: :) :| :( :\ :) :)
ohsahara: What happens when you have no idea who you are anymore, who you were, or who you want to be?
ohsahara: At last it's finally over, couldn't take this town much longer.
ohsahara: dear frank,
ohsahara: there isn't anything creative about this
ohsahara: i'm just a little girl lost in the moment, i'm so scared i just don't show it
ohsahara: now that she's back in the atmosphere with drops of jupiter in her hair,
ohsahara: I've got nothin' to show for except pictures I posed for.
ohsahara: this is the moment that you know you told her you loved her, but you don't.
ohsahara: my thoughts were so loud i couldn't here my mouth