My Lil Liza Jane: Why hello world :)
My Lil Liza Jane: Meet Linden!!!!
My Lil Liza Jane: Princess in the basket
My Lil Liza Jane: Starving!
My Lil Liza Jane: Fast Friends!
My Lil Liza Jane: Just saw her medical bills
My Lil Liza Jane: Sleepy, hungry, amazing
My Lil Liza Jane: So many layers (of cuteness)
My Lil Liza Jane: Lindy Lou
My Lil Liza Jane: That big toe!!
My Lil Liza Jane: pre-fuss face
My Lil Liza Jane: lindy chillin
My Lil Liza Jane: lindy's lil smile
My Lil Liza Jane: mama bear and baby bear toes
My Lil Liza Jane: lindy and lizzy
My Lil Liza Jane: linden and liz
My Lil Liza Jane: lindy aka the fuss
My Lil Liza Jane: Mama and Lindy :)