Dave's Family Fotos: Bubs at the trolley stop
Dave's Family Fotos: Andrew McCutchen checks for dirt under his nails
Dave's Family Fotos: Jose Tabata in high-cuffed pantaloons
Dave's Family Fotos: Jordy Mercer and Neil Walker
Dave's Family Fotos: High-cuffed Brandon Inge
Dave's Family Fotos: Gaby Sanchez and Wandy Rodriguez
Dave's Family Fotos: Russell Martin at Catcher
Dave's Family Fotos: Not much of a crowd on a clear warm evening
Dave's Family Fotos: Pirate Parrot gets his nose thumbed
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl enjoys the game from left field boxes
Dave's Family Fotos: Ryan Braun in a frivolous pose
Dave's Family Fotos: Aaaand they're off!
Dave's Family Fotos: Oliver with a big lead. He lost.
Dave's Family Fotos: Gaby Sanchez plants his feet and readies his bat
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl and Jamie reach for the moon
Dave's Family Fotos: All hail the moon!
Dave's Family Fotos: McCutchen at third. An OH CRAP moment for Milwaukee
Dave's Family Fotos: Does this alt jersey make me look fat
Dave's Family Fotos: Jason Grilli getting impatient in the bullpen
Dave's Family Fotos: Grilled Cheese runs onto the field as the Brewers bullpen watches his cool entrance video
Dave's Family Fotos: Jason Grilli with Fast-beat music playing
Dave's Family Fotos: Grilled cheese sandwich. Whipping! Don't need your hand.
Dave's Family Fotos: Grilli pounds the nails in the coffin of this game.
Dave's Family Fotos: Everyone rises to their feet in anticipation of a Pirates victory!
Dave's Family Fotos: Heavy metal horns for Jason Grilli!
Dave's Family Fotos: Time to send CarGo and the Brewers packing
Dave's Family Fotos: Victorious!
Dave's Family Fotos: Smoke residue from fireworks
Dave's Family Fotos: Parade of winners