Dave's Family Fotos: Little Kid kicks a board in two
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon High School Marching Band
Dave's Family Fotos: Seton - LaSalle Rebel Marching Band
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob's rather interesting choice of shirt for Memorial Day
Dave's Family Fotos: Clouds and contrails
Dave's Family Fotos: Police motorcycles coming up the hill
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie and Jakob get ready to bring home some candy
Dave's Family Fotos: Police cars at the head of the parade
Dave's Family Fotos: Dormont Volunteer Fire Department
Dave's Family Fotos: Big Mike, Dormont 130 Engine 1
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon fire squad vehicle
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon fire engine
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon hook-and-ladder
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon R-198 Rescue vehicle
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon Accident Management vehicle
Dave's Family Fotos: Dormont VFD Engine 2
Dave's Family Fotos: Mt. Lebanon Engine No. 3, 1932 Pirsch Pumper
Dave's Family Fotos: Al Kitchen organ truck
Dave's Family Fotos: Pittsburgh Police Bomb Squad
Dave's Family Fotos: Extinguishing Systems, Inc.
Dave's Family Fotos: Airforce Association
Dave's Family Fotos: Little Joey's Army
Dave's Family Fotos: Dormont Council Chevy
Dave's Family Fotos: Girl Scouts toss candy to Boy Scouts
Dave's Family Fotos: Dormont Athletic Boosters
Dave's Family Fotos: Pennsylvania Lottery
Dave's Family Fotos: Pink car with fuzzy pink dice
Dave's Family Fotos: Brookline Meals On Wheels
Dave's Family Fotos: Street Magician