Dave's Family Fotos: Pitching Coach Bob Apodaca of the Colorado Rockies
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie has his game face on
Dave's Family Fotos: I could do with a drink of water just about now
Dave's Family Fotos: The sun is setting but the game is yet to start!
Dave's Family Fotos: Ray Searage delivers the goods
Dave's Family Fotos: Ray Searage and Chris Snyder in the bullpen
Dave's Family Fotos: Chris Snyder pregame stretches
Dave's Family Fotos: Joe Kerrigan chats with Bob Apodaca
Dave's Family Fotos: Zach Duke warms up
Dave's Family Fotos: A female is ejected from the Boy Scouts for being a girl
Dave's Family Fotos: Non-regulation attired individual on the warning track
Dave's Family Fotos: THIS is what Pittsburgh is famous for.
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie is an ice cream kook
Dave's Family Fotos: CarGo in Left Field
Dave's Family Fotos: Pedro just hit a Homer
Dave's Family Fotos: Jose Tabata plays catch with Evan Meek
Dave's Family Fotos: Lastings Milledge has got so much swagger
Dave's Family Fotos: People doing the wave at PNC Park
Dave's Family Fotos: Ryan Spilborghs in Right Field
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie is in a cage
Dave's Family Fotos: College student working the Bucco Blasts board
Dave's Family Fotos: Dude is looking cool and manly behind the wheel of a John Deere
Dave's Family Fotos: Bucco Blasts girl gossips with Ball Girl
Dave's Family Fotos: Girls talk about what a long ninth inning this is
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie wants Evan Meek's autograph
Dave's Family Fotos: Jeff Karstens obliges autograph seekers
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie gets Jeff Karstens's autograph!
Dave's Family Fotos: Pedro Alvarez, fresh off of a three-run homer, stops to sign autographs
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie admires the pavement over which El Toro stopped his car to sign autographs