Dave's Family Fotos: Ralph Kiner bronzed hands memorial
Dave's Family Fotos: Overcast Sunday at PNC Park
Dave's Family Fotos: Bullpen Catcher walks to his post
Dave's Family Fotos: Groundskeepers prepare the infield
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie catches a shirt for his favorite big sister
Dave's Family Fotos: Pirate Parrot hits balls into the stands
Dave's Family Fotos: Pirate Parrot grows a victory mustache!
Dave's Family Fotos: Ross Ohlendorf comes out to take his warmup
Dave's Family Fotos: Ohlendorf looks for a ball to catch
Dave's Family Fotos: Ohlendorf's practice throw
Dave's Family Fotos: The Inspirational Ponytail of Lastings Milledge
Dave's Family Fotos: The lights come on as the clouds darken
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie watches the Potato Monster Race
Dave's Family Fotos: Garrett Jones steps up to bat
Dave's Family Fotos: Garrett Jones gets ready to hit a double
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie loves baseball!
Dave's Family Fotos: Pirate Parrot and the Cannonball crew fire T-shirts into the crowd
Dave's Family Fotos: Giant Green Canary fires missiles into the crowd
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie's victory mustache -- made of ice cream!
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie enjoys a two-tone ice cream cone
Dave's Family Fotos: Lastings Milledge gets set to field a base hit
Dave's Family Fotos: Andrew, Lastings and Garrett plot to switch outfield positions to see if the umpires or the manager notice
Dave's Family Fotos: Enforcers of law and order discuss NBC's cancellation of Law & Order
Dave's Family Fotos: This is where we sat, in the front row, until Jamie wanted to climb the rotunda
Dave's Family Fotos: Airplane and helicopter narrowly miss one another
Dave's Family Fotos: Huff shows his stuff
Dave's Family Fotos: The Pirates outfield
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie is terrified of heights
Dave's Family Fotos: Pirates keep the Giants from scoring another run as the score is 6-5 in the 10th inning
Dave's Family Fotos: Garrett Jones draws a walk