Dave's Family Fotos: Karl root, root, roots for the home team
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl is a Pittsburgh giant
Dave's Family Fotos: The Pirates are going to need a designated driver by the time this one is over
Dave's Family Fotos: Bobby Crosby at the plate
Dave's Family Fotos: Left field bleachers beneath the Rotunda, where we wll be sitting on Sunday
Dave's Family Fotos: Milledge People
Dave's Family Fotos: The Cul-de-sac on the Heinz Field side of PNC Park
Dave's Family Fotos: Camping Trip...on Mount Washington!
Dave's Family Fotos: Vibrating Left Field Rotunda
Dave's Family Fotos: With a huge shutout loss coming up, fans begin leaving the park
Dave's Family Fotos: Paleolab at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, complete with fume hood
Dave's Family Fotos: Like an aquarium, but with people in bones instead of fish in water
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl attempts to vibrate through the glass at super-speed
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie tries to penetrate the dimensional barrier that blocks him from entering Paleolab
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl and gatorsaurus bones
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob speeds past running carnivore bones
Dave's Family Fotos: A frightful thing in the dark
Dave's Family Fotos: Bones are creeped out by bones
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl ignores the CAUTION DO NOT LEAN warning
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl watches helplessly as Jakob is attacked by flying alligators
Dave's Family Fotos: The Death of Xena
Dave's Family Fotos: Nervous dental patient
Dave's Family Fotos: Crazed camel
Dave's Family Fotos: Meet the Zebras!
Dave's Family Fotos: Musk Ox peers through the glass
Dave's Family Fotos: Excuse me, but would you kindly quit staring
Dave's Family Fotos: Rhinoceros buttocks
Dave's Family Fotos: Mummy's baby tears into a lizard