Dave's Family Fotos: Expectant mother Xena tends to expectant mother Viola
Dave's Family Fotos: Expectant mother Xena tends to expectant mother Viola
Dave's Family Fotos: Viola looks to Xena for comfort
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy looks in on the mother cats
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie tries to keep from getting the kittens sick
Dave's Family Fotos: Viola nurses her young
Dave's Family Fotos: Tail of the kitten
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie acting crazy
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie prepares to fire his cat gun
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena hisses away all creatures
Dave's Family Fotos: Viola feeds the babies
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl performs routine maintenance on Bumblebee
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy hides behind Dave
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy and Dave smiling
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy and Dave kissing
Dave's Family Fotos: Happy Valentine's Day!
Dave's Family Fotos: Thistle, behold your son
Dave's Family Fotos: Born on the day after Valentine's Day
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob blinks
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy adores her baby Jakob
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie licks Thistle's back
Dave's Family Fotos: Leo the Stillborn Kitten
Dave's Family Fotos: Saying goodbye to baby Leo
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena cuddles her surviving grey kitten
Dave's Family Fotos: Three weeping angels comfort Xena during her time of grief
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy cuddles one of Viola's babies
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy holds a baby cat