Dave's Family Fotos: Dave headshot
Dave's Family Fotos: Marshmallow World
Dave's Family Fotos: Land of Ice and Snow
Dave's Family Fotos: Dave mimics an ancient frost giant
Dave's Family Fotos: Dave raises his weapon in triumph over the snow!
Dave's Family Fotos: Dave battles the snow
Dave's Family Fotos: The snow is coming down harder
Dave's Family Fotos: Now it's up to my waist
Dave's Family Fotos: Oh look, a clear path!
Dave's Family Fotos: Dave refuses to come back inside -- the job's only half done!
Dave's Family Fotos: Squirrel in a tree
Dave's Family Fotos: 22.5 inches deep
Dave's Family Fotos: Football shaped pancakes on Super Bowl weekend
Dave's Family Fotos: Footballs cooking in the pan
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie enjoys his football cakes
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl shares his football cakes with Optimus Prime
Dave's Family Fotos: Glenmore snow cleanup