Dave's Family Fotos: Xena takes the kittens out for a drink
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena feeds Viola's babies and her own
Dave's Family Fotos: Good to the last drop
Dave's Family Fotos: SHaring love and giving milk makes a mother tired
Dave's Family Fotos: Athena, close up and out of focus
Dave's Family Fotos: Mother Xena feeds baby Athena
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy cuddles all three of Viola's kittens
Dave's Family Fotos: Two black kittens are eager to make their first leap
Dave's Family Fotos: One black kitten rests snugly in Amy's arm
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy wears live animal fur. Xena is cautious
Dave's Family Fotos: Athena and her half sibling get comfy with Katy
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy finds a nifty place to wipe her runny nose
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie is all Giggles & Smiles
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena tortures a rodent
Dave's Family Fotos: Viola looks for a mouse of her own
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena does not like to be interrupted during her meal
Dave's Family Fotos: Xena looks for a good place to eat
Dave's Family Fotos: That mouse is not long for this world
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob is disgusted at the sight of a cat eating a mouse
Dave's Family Fotos: Thistle takes the mouse to bed and puts it to sleep
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie reveals his power
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl gets ready to knock Jamie into the toilet