Dave's Family Fotos: Xena stalks Karl from atop the closet door
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl dangles Xena
Dave's Family Fotos: Detachable foot
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob tries to shake his hair dry
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie trains to become a robotics engineer
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie mimics a drug-addled hippie
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob is happy to be clean
Dave's Family Fotos: Hi! I'm Karl, and this is my friend Optimus Prime
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy and her goldeneyed familiar
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy looks down her nose at you
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob gets his hair combed. This won't last long.
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie stops Jakob from escaping from a good hair combing
Dave's Family Fotos: A Puffy Westmoreland County Sky
Dave's Family Fotos: Cloudy With A Chance of Smiley Face Cookies
Dave's Family Fotos: Cows on a hill at Ligonier
Dave's Family Fotos: A furious shingle making machine
Dave's Family Fotos: These fire engines are Good Friends
Dave's Family Fotos: Amy gives Jakob a bird's eye view of Fort Ligonier
Dave's Family Fotos: Rob from the 44U exits the fort
Dave's Family Fotos: French soldiers
Dave's Family Fotos: Flag bearer
Dave's Family Fotos: French soldiers in furry hats
Dave's Family Fotos: Marching troops in blue and in white
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie does his worst, and succeeds admirably
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie uses her meat goggles
Dave's Family Fotos: Heads will roll -- and it looks like one did!
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl and Jamie keep vigilant watch
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie wonders why this thing hasn't fired yet
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl is mesmerized by the shiny pretty thing
Dave's Family Fotos: Go on Karl, just a little further