Dave's Family Fotos: Katy hones her photography skills
Dave's Family Fotos: Rhino basks in the sun
Dave's Family Fotos: Children are appalled by the rhino's rude behavior
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob strolls while Karl chugs
Dave's Family Fotos: Lion at rest
Dave's Family Fotos: This bottled water is too warm, says Goldilocks
Dave's Family Fotos: Scariest thing we saw at the zoo
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie spits her water back
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob gets uncomfortable in the stroller
Dave's Family Fotos: Ostrich stages a sit-down strike to protest the green barricade
Dave's Family Fotos: Savanna friends
Dave's Family Fotos: A pair of tall blondes
Dave's Family Fotos: Elephant dung
Dave's Family Fotos: Elephant dung cleaner
Dave's Family Fotos: Keeping the Savanna clear of elephant poop
Dave's Family Fotos: Dwarfed by elephants
Dave's Family Fotos: Baby elephant eating supper
Dave's Family Fotos: Adult elephant plugging the dike with its trunk
Dave's Family Fotos: Baby elephant in profile
Dave's Family Fotos: Elephants whisper, plotting the overthrow of humans
Dave's Family Fotos: Adult elephant appears to be beating and kicking its calf
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl wishes to sleep with the fishes
Dave's Family Fotos: Bright red fish pond
Dave's Family Fotos: The peacock is brightly feathered
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy victimizes a camera-shy peacock
Dave's Family Fotos: Feeding time at the zoo for Jakob and Katy
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie bites a French Fry
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl consumes a French Fried potato
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie's fries have lots of ketchup
Dave's Family Fotos: Crummy-mouthed Katy sets to spitting her food at the camera