Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob goes VROOM! VROOM!
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob lurks in the shadows
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie & Katy have a swing by the Beaver River
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie swings by his armpits
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob in a three-sided cage
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob takes a sobriety test for toddlers
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie gets her foot stuck
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy gives Jamie a push
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie and Karl have a serious conversation
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl gets airsick
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie shows off her muddy soles
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy gives Jakob a cuddle swing
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie slides in his swing
Dave's Family Fotos: Swing faster, Katy!
Dave's Family Fotos: Jakob holds on for dear life
Dave's Family Fotos: Swinging is making him sicker than the car ride did
Dave's Family Fotos: In and out he creeps about, like a big black weasel
Dave's Family Fotos: March of the Thoroughbreds
Dave's Family Fotos: Pop! Goes the Diesel
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie, trapped like a rat
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie gets her foot stuck...AGAIN
Dave's Family Fotos: Train bridge across the Beaver River
Dave's Family Fotos: Looking towards Flag Plaza and the train bridge
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie prepares to do a back flip into the Beaver River