Dave's Family Fotos: Hey! It's the Goodrich blimp!
Dave's Family Fotos: Silly. Goodrich doesn't have a blimp!
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy restrains Karl so Julie can gut punch him
Dave's Family Fotos: Page Museum, Closed due to Earthquake!
Dave's Family Fotos: Eat your sandwich before the Earth eats you
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie employs her quake detecting juice pack
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl tries Western style Eastern meditation
Dave's Family Fotos: NOT a Page Museum exhibit -- but it could be!
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie using the hill to get some exercise
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie and Jamie relive the earthquake
Dave's Family Fotos: Not the safest place to sit during an earthquake
Dave's Family Fotos: Up through the ground come a bubbling crude
Dave's Family Fotos: Tar in the pit at La Brea
Dave's Family Fotos: Buckets of La Brea tar pit tar
Dave's Family Fotos: Do NOT fall in here, or you will be sorry!
Dave's Family Fotos: Whiteboard record of the tar pit...where they find everything but dinosaurs
Dave's Family Fotos: Mumma, my stroller might be sinking into the tar pit
Dave's Family Fotos: They have been excavating Pit 91 for 93 years
Dave's Family Fotos: This is the place to go if you want to see tar of prehistorical significance
Dave's Family Fotos: Are they live, or part of the exhibit
Dave's Family Fotos: Dude has a bad stuffy nose
Dave's Family Fotos: Help! I have a horn stuck up my nostril!
Dave's Family Fotos: Antique Bison
Dave's Family Fotos: Case full of skulls
Dave's Family Fotos: Look out, boys, there's a tusked mammal behind you!
Dave's Family Fotos: Yay! Daddy's home and he brought me a dead bunny!
Dave's Family Fotos: Mammuthus columbi
Dave's Family Fotos: Hellacious California Condor skeleton
Dave's Family Fotos: Condor mother feeding chicky
Dave's Family Fotos: The History of Rancho La Brea