Dave's Family Fotos: Dichroic Skylight
Dave's Family Fotos: Purple people on the DNA Bench
Dave's Family Fotos: Excited to be on the DNA Bench, can't you tell
Dave's Family Fotos: Purple people eaters
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl Tinkertoys
Dave's Family Fotos: Experimenting with light
Dave's Family Fotos: It's alive! It's alive!
Dave's Family Fotos: An assortment of virtual soccer goalies
Dave's Family Fotos: We got a live one here!
Dave's Family Fotos: Naked guy removing his skin
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl is a helpful bacteria
Dave's Family Fotos: Jamie sees through the eyes of a bat
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl and Jamie -- Brains on Parade
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl's brain
Dave's Family Fotos: Chandra Space Telescope
Dave's Family Fotos: Small early rocket
Dave's Family Fotos: Bell X-1, faster than the speed of sound
Dave's Family Fotos: Apollo Space capsule
Dave's Family Fotos: Mattingly's Apollo spacesuit
Dave's Family Fotos: Katy Jamie Julie behind the lens
Dave's Family Fotos: Batman's first plane
Dave's Family Fotos: Julie on the torture rack
Dave's Family Fotos: Hey, this tickles!
Dave's Family Fotos: Karl simulates flight (General Electric J47 Jet Engine in background)
Dave's Family Fotos: Authentic Apollo-Soyuz space capsule
Dave's Family Fotos: Buzz Aldrin's moon rock
Dave's Family Fotos: Apollo Soyuz
Dave's Family Fotos: The underside of the space capsule
Dave's Family Fotos: Gemini 11 capsule