Ohio National Guard:
1-174 ADA Battalion Call to Duty Ceremony
Ohio National Guard:
C Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Call to Duty Ceremony
Ohio National Guard:
C Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Call to Duty Ceremony
Ohio National Guard:
C Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Call to Duty Ceremony
Ohio National Guard:
C Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Call to Duty Ceremony
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day
Ohio National Guard:
Two units from 1-174th ADA deploy on same day