ohiohistory: Former nitrate storage
ohiohistory: Former nitrate storage
ohiohistory: Former nitrate storage
ohiohistory: Former nitrate storage
ohiohistory: Ready for packing
ohiohistory: Nitrates boxed and ready to be packed
ohiohistory: Packing
ohiohistory: Packing
ohiohistory: Packing
ohiohistory: Packing
ohiohistory: Taking the nitrates back to the stacks
ohiohistory: Freezers
ohiohistory: Dec2008 003
ohiohistory: Dec2008 004
ohiohistory: Placing nitrates in the freezers
ohiohistory: Placing nitrates in the freezers
ohiohistory: Placing nitrates in the freezers
ohiohistory: Placing nitrates in the freezers
ohiohistory: Placing nitrates in the freezers