ohikura: visitor center @ manzanar
ohikura: manzanar shrine
ohikura: origami swans @ manzanar
ohikura: manzanar shrine
ohikura: crowley lake
ohikura: alpenglow @ minaret vista
ohikura: meadow @ devils postpile
ohikura: rays of light @ devils postpile
ohikura: wilderness @ devils postpile
ohikura: rainbow falls
ohikura: rainbow falls
ohikura: devils postpile
ohikura: top of devils postpile
ohikura: devils postpile
ohikura: meadow @ devils postpile
ohikura: church @ bodie
ohikura: bodie ghost town
ohikura: bodie ghost town
ohikura: bodie ghost town
ohikura: gas station @ bodie
ohikura: truck @ bodie
ohikura: bodie ghost town
ohikura: school @ bodie
ohikura: lembert dome
ohikura: deer @ tuolumne meadows
ohikura: tuolumne meadows
ohikura: tuolumne meadows
ohikura: tuolumne meadows
ohikura: mono lake
ohikura: mono lake