ohhmyhead: quit blinking, jay!
ohhmyhead: IMG_4527
ohhmyhead: IMG_4530
ohhmyhead: IMG_4532
ohhmyhead: IMG_4551
ohhmyhead: rocking horse races
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: Ben Sax's Perceptoscope
ohhmyhead: wandering musicians
ohhmyhead: jay and metal on the heat cam
ohhmyhead: ferrofluid exhibit
ohhmyhead: 3d printed parrot
ohhmyhead: IMG_4617
ohhmyhead: pendulum wave
ohhmyhead: pendulum wave
ohhmyhead: one of the best moments of the weekend
ohhmyhead: Miriam and Elise
ohhmyhead: jay as harry potter
ohhmyhead: metal
ohhmyhead: dunk tank flambe
ohhmyhead: metal got a new nose
ohhmyhead: dunk tank flambe
ohhmyhead: STEAM Carnival at the Port of LA
ohhmyhead: dunk tank flambe
ohhmyhead: The Hoop Hooligans
ohhmyhead: The Hoop Hooligans